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Drug War Videos | The House I Live In

Drug War Videos                                            

We at Chooper's Guide are committed to promoting policy reform in regards to drug law enforcement and awareness that addiction is a brain disease not a criminal or moral problem.

We invite you to submit articles and videos that advocate for the cessation of the drug war. We further invite you to, as they say, follow the money and investigate the corporations and politicians who profit from these draconian policies. It has been almost a century since the Harrison Act was passed and each generation the increased cost in human life is exponentially proportional to the growing financial interests of the private sector.

We have elected to include the trailer for the acclaimed documentary The House I Live In  and urge you to view the entire movie. 

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Trailer ~ The House I Live In




Eugene Jarecki on his Drug War Documentary The House I Live In and how Prohibition is Doomed



Drug War Statistics

Over the past 40 years, the War on Drugs has cost more than $1 trillion and accounted for more than 45 million arrests.

• In 2009 nearly 1.7 million people were arrested in the U.S. for nonviolent drug charges – more than half of those arrests were for marijuana possession alone. Less than 20% was for the sale or manufacture of a drug.

• Even though White and Black people use drugs at approximately equal rates, Black people are 10.1 times more likely to be sent to prison for drug offenses. Today, Black Americans represent 56% of those incarcerated for drug crimes, even though they comprise only 13% of the U.S. population.

• In a 2010 survey, 8.9% of Americans over the age of 12 had used illicit drugs in the past month.

• Today, there are more people behind bars for nonviolent drug offenses than were incarcerated for all crimes, violent or otherwise, in 1970. To return to the nation’s incarceration rates of 1970, America would have to release 4 out of every 5 currently held prisoners.

• Between 1973 and 2009, the nation’s prison population grew by 705 percent, resulting in more than 1 in 100 adults behind bars today. In 1980, the total U.S. prison and jail population was about 500,000 – today, it is more than 2.3 million.

• The U.S. incarcerates more people than any country in the world – both per capita and in terms of total people behind bars. The U.S. has less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet it has almost 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated population.

• 1 in every 8 state employees works for a corrections agency.

• It costs an average of $78.95 per day to keep an inmate locked up, more than 20 times the cost of a day on probation.