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Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations


Originally Published: 01/06/2011

Post Date: 01/06/2011


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Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations


Findings show unequivocally that providing comprehensive drug abuse treatment to criminal offenders works, reducing both drug abuse and criminal recidivism.


Given the swelling prison population,attributable in large part to drug-related offense accompanied by high rates of recidivism, it is a matter of public health and safety to make drug abuse treatment a key component of the criminal justice system. Indeed, addressing the treatment needs of substance abusing offenders is critical to reducing overall crime and other drug related societal burdens, such as lost job productivity. Scientific research shows that drug abuse treatment can work even when an individual enters it under legal mandate. However, only a small percentage of those who need treatment actually receive it, and often the treatment provided is not sufficient.
