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Impact Quincy Coalition

Phone Number

view phone617-471-8400, ext. 155


13 Temple St. Boston, Massachusetts, United States 02169

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Program Description

Prevention & Intervention

Our Prevention services include Impact Quincy’s MassCALL2 Fatal and Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose program, the Narcan Pilot program and the Tobacco-Free Community Partnership program. Intervention services include all corrections programs as well as our First and Second Offender Driver Alcohol Education (DAE) courses and Project Safe, which runs our Domestic Abuse Intervention/Batterer program and our Generalized Violence/Anger Management Intervention programs.

Child & Family/Home-Based Services

Our Child and Family/Home-Based Services division includes a comprehensive array of services. All wraparound services (including the Community Service Agencies), Community Support Programs, and Family Stabilization (FST) programs are found under this category. Our goal is always to provide children and families with strength-based, high quality, continuous care that meets their evolving needs.

Outpatient Services

Four locations comprise our Outpatient Services which is made up of a team of social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, addiction specialists, and outreach workers. These professionals provide services to individuals, couples, families and groups who are dealing with issues involving mental health and substance abuse. Our adolescent and adult Intensive Recovery programs (IRP) fall under this category.

Residential Services/Day Treatment

Our Residential and Day Treatment Services provide support to children and families who currently receive services from DMH and DCF. From our Short-Term Assessment and Rapid Reunification (STARR) Programs to our day treatment programs for school-aged children (Connections) and adolescents (TAP), you’ll find details for all of our residential and day treatment services here.


Addiction Community Resources

Naloxone Administration