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Hired Power
Addiction Intervention & Support Services

Phone Number

view phone1-800-910-9299


21062 Brookhurst St Suite 201 Huntington Beach, California, United States 92646

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Recovery From Addiction

And Behavioral Disorders

Recovery from addiction and behavioral disorders requires ongoing structure and support when returning to daily living. This is accomplished with a professional care team such as Hired Power. Beginning with Addiction Intervention, our services continue with the one-on-one personal guidance, support and mentoring of a Personal Recovery Assistant. Case management delivers clinical oversight and guidance while the Monitoring Program offers ongoing supervision and reportable documentation.We are a necessary service for clients dealing with substance abuse, addiction, mental health issues, and behavior disorders including:

It is understood and scientifically proven; the longer the continuum of care the more effective the outcome is, in regards to the treatment and recovery process.