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California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Phone Number

view phone(818) 754 - 8752


P.O. Box 260414 Encino, California, United States 91426

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Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) are relationship specialists who treat persons involved in interpersonal relationships. They are trained to assess, diagnose and treat individuals, couples, families and groups to achieve more adequate, satisfying and productive marriage, family and social adjustment. The practice also includes premarital counseling, child counseling, divorce or separation counseling and other relationship counseling. Marriage and Family Therapists are psychotherapists and healing arts practitioners licensed by the State of California. Requirements for licensure include a related doctoral or two-year master's degree, passage of two comprehensive written examinations and at least 3,000 hours of supervised experience.

Psychotherapy services of licensed marriage and family therapists are, in many instances, eligible for insurance reimbursement. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists are providers under the TRICARE program, and many are participating providers with Blue Shield of California as well as many other preferred provider organizations.

The terms "marriage, family and child counselors" (MFCCs) and "marriage and family therapists" are used interchangeably. All states who regulate the profession use the title, "marriage and family therapist."