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Brazil Approves Use of Ibogaine.


On January 14th, 2016  The President of the National Association of the Study of Drug Policy (CONED-SP) in Sao Paolo issued a declaration calling for the scientific study of psychoactive substances, and approving the medical use of ibogaine 'in a hospital environment, with medical supervision and control, meeting the exercise of the profession and the recommendations of good clinical practice, including rigorous clinical and psychiatric examinations and psychological assessment and psychotherapeutic monitoring.' This law applies to the state of Sao Paolo but will be extended to the rest of the country within several months.


Rough Translation from Portuguese 

The President of the State Council policies on Drugs, in response to the resolution adopted at the 90th Meeting Ordinary 10.29.2015, Edited, in accordance with Art. 9 of Resolution SJDC-055, of 06.26.2013, the following Statements:

Statement coned-SP No. 01 of 10.29.2015

The use of hallucinogenic substances or onirofrênicas for treatment of problematic use of psychoactive substances should be considered an option that requires scientific research.  Statement coned-SP No. 02 of 10.29.2015 scientific research with the use of hallucinogenic substances or onirofrênicas, including the development of options treatment for problematic substance use, should be encouraged financially by development institutions in order to ensure the realization of quantitative research, qualitative and randomized controlled clinical trials.


Statement coned-SP No. 03 of 10.29.2015

The semisynthetic or synthetic compounds based on active principles of Tabernanthe iboga and other species of the genus Tabernaemontana (Apocynaceae family) must have their potential therapeutic in the treatment of problematic substance use psychoactive investigated through scientific research.


Statement coned-SP No. 04 of 10.29.2015 

The derivatives of the active principles and other Tabernanthe iboga Tabernaemontana species of the genus (Apocynaceae family) particularly ibogaine formulations can only be administered for the treatment of the abuse of substances psychoactive in a hospital environment, with supervision and control doctors, given the practice of the profession and good recommendations clinical practice, including rigorous clinical and psychiatric and psychological assessment and monitoring psychotherapeutic.
